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  • Reply to auditions immediately, even if you are declining.

  • Only accept an audition if you are available:

    • The audition date

    • The callback date

    • The filming date(s)

    • We do not track this. It is your responsibility.

  • Arrive 15 minutes early to EVERYTHING.

  • Take at least 3 headshots with resumes attached to them with you.

  • How to prepare:

    • Know the answer to the question, “Tell me about yourself.”

    • You may be asked to improv or cold read.

    • If you were given a script ahead of time, be sure to memorize and practice it.

    • Most importantly, expect the unexpected, bring great energy and LISTEN to the direction you are given.

  • Don't change your 'look' after an audition or callback.

  • Wear the same outfit and hairstyle to callbacks - it’s what they liked the first time.

Dustin Leighton