
Arizona Actors:  Please email a headshot and resume. Demo reels rock too!

Arizona Commercial Print Models:  In today's world we believe diversity is key. While female models classically are 5'7" or taller with male models being 5'9" plus, real people are the trend. If you're real, professional, have a unique look and are willing to invest the time and energy necessary to build your portfolio, please email two to three pictures. Be sure to include your height, weight, clothing size, hair and eye color and date of birth.

Arizona Voice Talent:  Please email your commercial demo reel as an MP3.

Arizona Children:  Children must be 4 and over. Email a picture along with a list of any prior experience. Excellent reading and memorization skills are essential.

Recommendation: Snapshots are fine for submissions, but if you’re truly interested in branding and building your marketing for reputable work, we recommend hiring a professional photographer. Our preferred company is Headshots and Cold Brews, but you may choose to shoot with whomever you prefer.

Submissions Email:

Explore our new talent doc series & see what it’s like to be signed with Leighton Agency.