Non-Union Jobs

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  • For non-union jobs, you will need a job voucher to be paid.

  • Download job vouchers here.

  • Unless otherwise-specified, a voucher must be taken on every non-union job (not audition).

  • The correct payment to talent cannot be assured unless the following directions are successfully followed. Do not leave any areas blank besides your signature, otherwise you give the client a complete release of use.

  • HOWEVER, if you are unsure about an addition a client makes to a voucher or contract, simply say, “Ruth usually reviews everything for me.” DON’T SIGN IT! This is perfectly acceptable to say. We can clarify the booking details on your behalf.


  1. BEFORE the job, fill out the following info :

    • 'Client' = the one paying the account.

    • 'Product' = whom the job is for.

    • 'Job Date' = the booked date.

    • 'Talent' = your name, followed by “SS#”, which is your social security number.

    • Miscellaneous information (times for job, fitting, travel etc.) should be listed in areas provided.

    • 'Usage' = for how long the client can use this work. We will negotiate the usage cycle. (i.e. 13 weeks, 6 months, 1 year etc.)

    • 'Media' = newspaper, radio, television, billboard, catalog etc.

    • 'Rate(s)' = the amount the client will be charged. (i.e. $75 per hour/2 hr minimum.)

  2. AFTER the job is complete, fill out the following info :

    • ‘Hours’ = hours worked.

    • ‘Talent Signature’ = Your signature.

    • ‘Client Signature’ = Client signature.

  3. Give the client one copy and email a copy to us within 48 hours.

Dustin Leighton